Trans 2005 Concert in Chao Yang Park

This weekend Beijing was host to the Trans 2005 concert put on as part of the L’Annee France en Chine. From 3pm till 10-30pm on Saturday and Sunday, a selection of French bands and DJs performed on a specially erected stage in the middle of Chao Yang Park in the east of the city. Highlights of the weekend included the Gotan Project (headlined Saturday) and St. Germain (headlined Sunday). As Charles pointed out it was all a bit French…

Having survived the Yen Anniversary party at Yan Club on Friday night we were all feeling a little jaded. Robbie and I grabbed some food in San Lit Tun and managed to get down there by around 4-30 to meet Tana and Cri-Cri. We then had a great afternoon relaxing in the sun listening to music, including Bretagne Denez Prigent, and of course the Gotan Project. Afterwards we all headed of for a midnight dimsum mission in raucous mood, and after that most of us headed into Tango next door, with a splinter group heading of to DJ Stiff’s (Cvetic) for well… digestifs!

A large number of the artists from the park were all in Tango and we had a good night dancing to more French DJs, before crawling home before dawn.

The following day the weather did not look promising and it did rain at around 4-30 which slowed my return to the park. I finally arrived there with Siska at around 8-30 in time to see St. Germain who were excellent. Afterwards I went for dinner with Charles, Tom, Siska etc. before going to Apperativo for a drink. At 1am the place was still packed and it was clear that this was a weekend that noone wanted to end. The rumor this morning is that for Robbie it still hasn’t….

Anyway you can click here to see all the photos.

Also, you can check out Tom VD’s photos from yesterday by going here.