Category Archives: Geek

Batch Adjusting the EXIF Time & Date data in your Digital Photos

Have you ever had the problem of going on holiday to a different time zone, and on your return discovering that you forgot to set your digital camera to the local time in the country you visited? This can be be irritating especially if you wish to combine your photos with those of a friend or familly member who was also on the trip – it is impossible to put them all together in chronological order. Having spent the last few months going through my old photos and uploading them to the web, I have encountered this problem with several batches of photos on my machine, so I did some research on the web to find a tool that could help me fix the problem. There are plenty of tools online that allow you to edit the time data of an image, but to edit each photo individually would take forever when you have 100 photos – what is needed is a tool to process a batch of images at once, automatically add/subtract each picture’s time taken/digitized by the difference in the time zones, e.g. adding 1 hour to each picture.

The best tool I found for the job is called Exifer, is free, and can be downloaded here. To adjust your photos here’s what you need to do:

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Shareaza 2.2 P2P Filesharing Tool Released

After a year of development the latest version of P2P tool Shareaza has been released. Shareaza is a Windows–based peer-to-peer client which supports the Gnutella, Gnutella2, eDonkey Network, and BitTorrent network protocols. It is free, open source, and contains no adware or spyware. If you want to download music and videos from the web this is an excellent tool to use.

Download it here.

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Plaxo connects Thunderbird, Yahoo & AOL/AIM

Plaxo is a free contact management service that helps you keep your email address books updated and in sync with one another. Additionally, it can also synchronise your calendar, notes and tasks so that they are available wherever you go. I have been using it for the last few years primarily to keep my home and work copies of Outlook synchronised, but I also find it increbibly useful as a backup tool for if my computer crashes, and for making sure that I have the most up to date information from for my contacts.

Until recently it only allowed for syncing between Outlook and Outlook Express on Windows machines (although there is a web based version as well), but at last they have now begun to expand their support for other platforms such as Mozilla Thunderbird, Yahoo & AOL/AIM which means that a significantly broader user base can now connect to the service.

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